
Pagination simplified.
EasyType is an automated typesetting tool that creates near-perfect InDesign pages from Word manuscripts without any human intervention.

How can EasyType help you?
EasyType automatically transforms Word files to design layout, drastically reducing typesetting time. Monotonous, repetitive tasks are automated, and images are placed proximal to related content, with their orientation and column-span automatically determined. Designers get the much-need breathing time to focus on higher-level creative decisions.
EasyType brings all the elements of the manuscript together into the template. In the case of designs requiring creative paging that would preclude the use of a single standardized template, EasyType can automatically place all the required elements in discrete pages.
EasyType presents the designer with a nearly well-formatted InDesign file, leaving the designer with time to focus on the finer aspects of paging and improving aesthetics, if at all required.
One does not need to be proficient in typesetting or in InDesign to be able to produce pages in PageMajik. EasyType fulfills the requirement in a remarkably efficient way.
The speed at which a standard 200-page manuscript can be converted to its design layout is mind-blowing. And the output is remarkably consistent.
Getting Started
If you have a design layout for your project, then simply upload an InDesign template mimicking this layout and your manuscript and assets. Upload associated fonts, library items, and related files and you are all set.
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EasyType can transform the manuscript to its design layout in a matter of minutes. Working knowledge of InDesign is no longer a constraint for producing pages.
Ease of use
After a manuscript is tagged and structured by StyleFinder, EasyType automatically typesets the document using pre-defined, customizable InDesign templates. All you need is a well-defined InDesign template detailing the elements in the layout.
Typesetter experience
Once an InDesign file is created, a production designer or layout artist has to review the file and make minor design adjustments for aesthetic purposes. Efficient use of InDesign features such as libraries, master pages, object styles, anchored objects, text-wrap, conditional text, and footnote/endnote options make sure that the automated output very closely resembles those created manually by humans.
Works with InDesign.
Quickly assembles all page elements into an InDesign layout (template).
The template can be specific to a particular chapter/book/category.
The layout can range from simple to complex. Output from EasyType is always a standard InDesign file and can be edited offline in a compatible version of InDesign.
Sequencing interface to reorder and generate InDesign files in a batch, thereby ensuring continuous page numbering.
Efficient use of InDesign features such as libraries, anchored objects, and conditional text enhances the quality of output.
Design elements such as boxes and sidebars are appropriately styled.
Individual PDFs of a book can be combined via the sequencing interface.
Automatically generate and update the Table of Contents.
Generate and update an index using embedded index markers.
> 50% increase in efficiency
The designer or layout artist receives a nearly well-formatted InDesign file with all embedded elements in place. Gone are the days when you had to manually style each element in InDesign after importing a Word document.
“Typography is to literature as musical performance is to composition: an essential act of interpretation, full of endless opportunities for insight or obtuseness.”
- Robert Bringhurst

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